- Flexible and wireless metasurface coils for knee and elbow MRICONCLUSION: Wireless MCs exhibited great potential for knee and elbow MRI outperforming the flex coil. Future developments will improve the posterior illumination to increase its clinical value. Read more »
- Flexible and wireless metasurface coils for knee and elbow MRICONCLUSION: Wireless MCs exhibited great potential for knee and elbow MRI outperforming the flex coil. Future developments will improve the posterior illumination to increase its clinical value. Read more »
- MRI features that predict progression of residual disease after ablation of extra-abdominal desmoid fibromatosisOBJECTIVE: To identify MRI features of desmoid tumors (DTs) that predict the growth of residual disease following ablation. Read more »
- Temperature Simulation of an Ablation Needle for the Prediction of Tissue Necrosis during Liver AblationBackground/Objectives: Microwave ablation (MWA) is the leading therapy method for treating patients with liver cancer. MWA simulation is used to further improve the therapy and to help develop new devices. Methods: A water-cooled ablation needle was reconstructed. MWA simulations of a polyacrylamide phantom were carried out and compared with a… Read more »
- Temperature Simulation of an Ablation Needle for the Prediction of Tissue Necrosis during Liver AblationBackground/Objectives: Microwave ablation (MWA) is the leading therapy method for treating patients with liver cancer. MWA simulation is used to further improve the therapy and to help develop new devices. Methods: A water-cooled ablation needle was reconstructed. MWA simulations of a polyacrylamide phantom were carried out and compared with a… Read more »
- MRI-compatible and sensorless haptic feedback for cable-driven medical robotics to perform teleoperated needle-based interventionsCONCLUSION: The presented SHF of the µRIGS system introduced a novel MR-compatible technique to bridge the gap between medical robotics and interaction during real-time needle-based interventions. Read more »
- MRI-compatible and sensorless haptic feedback for cable-driven medical robotics to perform teleoperated needle-based interventionsCONCLUSION: The presented SHF of the µRIGS system introduced a novel MR-compatible technique to bridge the gap between medical robotics and interaction during real-time needle-based interventions. Read more »
- Reducing electromagnetic interference in MR thermometry: A comparison of setup configurations for MR-guided microwave ablationsMagnetic Resonance (MR) thermometry is used for the monitoring of MR-guided microwave ablations (MWA), and for the intraoperative evaluation of ablation regions. Nevertheless, the accuracy of temperature mapping may be compromised by electromagnetic interference emanating from the microwave (MW) generator. This study evaluated different setups for improving magnetic resonance imaging… Read more »
- Reducing electromagnetic interference in MR thermometry: A comparison of setup configurations for MR-guided microwave ablationsMagnetic Resonance (MR) thermometry is used for the monitoring of MR-guided microwave ablations (MWA), and for the intraoperative evaluation of ablation regions. Nevertheless, the accuracy of temperature mapping may be compromised by electromagnetic interference emanating from the microwave (MW) generator. This study evaluated different setups for improving magnetic resonance imaging… Read more »
- MRI-compatible abdomen phantom to mimic respiratory-triggered organ movement while performing needle-based interventionsCONCLUSION: This work presents a novel modularizable and low-cost PVA-C based APB to mimic fundamental organ motion. Beside a further organ motion analysis, an optimization of APB's chemical composition is needed to ensure a realistic motion simulation and reproducible long-term use. This phantom enhances diverse and varied training environments for… Read more »
- Compartment-specific 129Xe HyperCEST z spectroscopy and chemical shift imaging of cucurbit[6]uril in spontaneously breathing rats^(129)Xe hyperpolarized gas chemical exchange saturation transfer (HyperCEST) MRI has been suggested as molecular imaging modality but translation to in vivo imaging has been slow, likely due to difficulties of synthesizing suitable molecules. Cucurbit[6]uril-either in readily available non-functionalized or potentially in functionalized form-may, combined with ^(129)Xe HyperCEST MRI, prove useful… Read more »
- First experiences using transurethral ultrasound ablation (TULSA) as a promising focal approach to treat localized prostate cancer: a monocentric studyCONCLUSION: Establishment of TULSA in clinical routine was unproblematic, short-term outcome seems to be encouraging. The risk of erectile function impairment requires elaborate information of the patient. Read more »
- MR-guided focused ultrasound therapy of extra-abdominal desmoid tumors: a multicenter retrospective study of 105 patientsCONCLUSION: MRgFUS reduced tumor volume, reduced pain, and improved quality of life in this series of 105 patients with extra-abdominal desmoid fibromatosis. Read more »
- A probabilistic thermal dose model for the estimation of necrosis in MR-guided tumor ablationsCONCLUSION: The presented probabilistic thermal dose model might help to prevent false classification of voxels within ablation zones. This could potentially result in an increased success rate for MR-guided thermal ablation procedures. Future work may address additional error sources and a follow-up study in a more realistic clinical context. Read more »
- Liver segmentation using Turbolift learning for CT and cone-beam C-arm perfusion imagingModel-based reconstruction employing the time separation technique (TST) was found to improve dynamic perfusion imaging of the liver using C-arm cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). To apply TST using prior knowledge extracted from CT perfusion data, the liver should be accurately segmented from the CT scans. Reconstructions of primary and model-based… Read more »
- Free-breathing 3D Stack-of-Stars Gradient Echo Sequence in MR-guided Percutaneous Liver Interventions: Evaluation of Workflow and Diagnostic QualityCONCLUSION: A free-breathing 3D stack-of-stars gradient echo sequence can simplify the workflow and reduce intervention time, while providing superior image quality. Under local anesthesia, it increases patient comfort and reduces potential risks for needle dislocations in MR-guided liver interventions by avoiding respiratory arrests for needle position control. Read more »
- Free-breathing 3D Stack-of-Stars Gradient Echo Sequence in MR-guided Percutaneous Liver Interventions: Evaluation of Workflow and Diagnostic QualityCONCLUSION: A free-breathing 3D stack-of-stars gradient echo sequence can simplify the workflow and reduce intervention time, while providing superior image quality. Under local anesthesia, it increases patient comfort and reduces potential risks for needle dislocations in MR-guided liver interventions by avoiding respiratory arrests for needle position control. Read more »
- Adaptive simulation of 3D thermometry maps for interventional MR-guided tumor ablation using Pennes' bioheat equation and isothermsMinimally-invasive thermal ablation procedures have become clinically accepted treatment options for tumors and metastases. Continuous and reliable monitoring of volumetric heat distribution promises to be an important condition for successful outcomes. In this work, an adaptive bioheat transfer simulation of 3D thermometry maps is presented. Pennes' equation model is updated… Read more »
- Identification of Relevant Attributes for Liver Cancer Therapies (IRALCT): a maximum-difference-scaling analysisThe Identification of Relevant Attributes for Liver Cancer Therapies (IRALCT) project is intended to provide new insights into the relevant utility attributes regarding therapy choices for malignant primary and secondary liver tumors from the perspective of those who are involved in the decision-making process. It addresses the potential value of… Read more »
- Correction of heat-induced susceptibility changes in respiratory-triggered 2D-PRF-based thermometry for monitoring of magnetic resonance-guided hepatic microwave ablation in a human-like in vivo porcine modelCONCLUSION: Using susceptibility corrected 2D PRF-based MR-thermometry to predict the ablation zones of hepatic MWA provided a good agreement in comparison to T1w post-ablation CE MR-imaging and histopathology. Read more »