
  • Navigation

    Navigation refers to the use of real-time imaging and advanced tracking techniques to guide and monitor medical procedures within the body. It involves accurately visualizing the movement and positioning of instruments or catheters in relation to anatomical structures using MRI images, enabling precise and minimally invasive interventions. Navigation techniques can enhance the safety, accuracy, and…

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  • Reconstruction

    Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging can provide detailed anatomical information during interventions. However, the raw data obtained from MR scans often require sophisticated processing techniques for accurate and meaningful interpretation. This is where the concept of reconstruction comes into play. MR image reconstruction involves the conversion of acquired raw data into a visual representation that accurately…

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  • Acquisition

    MR-sequence development involves the creation and refinement of specific imaging techniques or sequences used in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to generate different types of image contrasts and provide valuable diagnostic information. References [1] Horstmann et al. 3D MR Thermometry Sequences for Abdominal Microwave Ablation Monitoring on Phantom Simulating Breathing Motion. ISMRM Proceedings 2023.[2] Gutt et…

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  • Ablation Techniques

    A variety of ablation techniques exist for many different purposes. Each can be used with their own benefits and limitations. Here, we briefly present three ablation techniques that are part of our active fields of research: References [1] Livraghi et al. Sustained complete response and complications rates after radiofrequency ablation of very early hepatocellular carcinoma…

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